Leading Teams: Launching a Successful Team

Leading successful teams is an art, and team leaders can face many challenges when trying to optimize team performance. Whether you're a current team leader or simply someone who would like to develop the skills that would make you a strong candidate, you need to know certain things about how teams function and what it takes to develop a high-performance team. Among the most important things to know: good team development begins on day one. Forming an effective and cohesive team is fundamental to the success of the team later on, and pulling the right team together from the start has benefits far beyond just completing tasks on time. In this course, you'll learn techniques for setting up successful teams that can be applied to a variety of team environments. This course outlines the benefits of business teams and the importance of taking proactive measures to ensure a smooth transition during the initial phase of team formation. It reviews the five stages of team development and offers strategies for dealing with issues that may arise during the first stage, Forming. You'll learn strategies for selecting high-performing team members most suited for your project or team, as well as recommendations for performing proper introductions, clarifying team purpose and context, and making sure team members understand their responsibilities. Materials designed to support blended learning activities aligned with this course are available from the Resources Page.

All levels of employees that lead and manage teams, including managers, team leaders, supervisors, directors, and group leaders. It is suitable for anyone wishing to develop and refine their leadership skills in a team environment.


Establishing Your Team

  • recommend strategies for leading a given team through its stage of development
  • sequence the stages of team development
  • choose team members for a team given the qualities of a pool of candidates
  • match personal qualities that team members should have with indicators of their presence
  • recognize strategies for leading a team through the Forming stage of team development

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