Saving, Sending, and Printing Excel 2010 Workbooks

Excel 2010 makes it easy for you to save, print, and share workbooks and worksheets. When you create an Excel workbook, you will most likely want to save it, and in many instances, print it to save a hard copy or share with someone else. New features of Excel 2010 also allow you to easily collaborate with others by using the Sharing option in Backstage view. All of these options – saving, printing, and sharing – are grouped together on the File tab for convenience. This course describes these Excel features and explains how to use them to increase your efficiency and productivity.

Individuals and business users with basic computer literacy


Saving and Printing in Excel 2010

  • save a workbook in a different format
  • save an Excel workbook
  • change the default save options in Excel 2010
  • share and send a workbook
  • use the Page Setup settings to prepare a worksheet for printing
  • print an Excel 2010 workbook

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