Delegation: the Personal Approach

Have you delegated tasks only to later find out that the task wasn't completed properly or that it wouldn't be completed on time? Perhaps you need to reevaluate your delegation skills. This course will help you work more effectively with employees in a delegation situation. As you progress through the "Delegation: the Personal Approach" course, you will discover several important factors about delegation--how you can benefit from a shared commitment to a delegated task, how to identify confident and motivated employees, and how the knowledge of common delegating problems can help you become an effective delegator. By participating in this course, you will be prepared to overcome many obstacles in the delegation process.

Individuals who have the opportunity to distribute their workload; managers and business leaders who want to empower and motivate their workforce by dispensing authority to competent employees.


Personal Attitudes in Delegation

  • recognize the benefits of understanding appropriate attitudes regarding delegation.
  • identify ways to demonstrate personal commitment when delegating a task.
  • select the appropriate solution to help an employee overcome resistance in a delegating scenario.
  • recognize reasons why employees may not accept delegated tasks.
  • choose the most appropriate employee to whom to delegate a task, given a scenario.
  • identify the characteristics that constitute a positive attitude toward delegation.
  • Encouraging Cooperation in Delegation

  • recognize the benefits of encouraging cooperation in delegation.
  • maintain the confidence of a specified employee during the administration of a delegated task.
  • identify methods for maintaining the confidence of an employee during the administration of a delegated task.
  • use the appropriate technique for motivating a specific employee who has been delegated a task, given a scenario.
  • recognize techniques for motivating an employee who has been delegated a task.
  • identify reasons for giving credit to an employee for the successful completion of a delegated task.
  • Rising to the Delegation Challenge

  • recognize the benefits of responding effectively to problems that arise when delegating.
  • recognize the signs of a failing delegation.
  • match the common delegation problems with the corresponding symptoms.
  • solve a given problem that has occurred by applying the problem-solving steps in sequence within a delegation situation.
  • sequence the process for problem solving when given a scenario.
  • sequence the steps for taking corrective action, given a scenario.

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