Leadership Essentials: Building Your Influence as a Leader

Why is it so hard to get people to agree to a good idea? Why are some leaders constantly faced with challenges and objections? Reaching agreement as a leader does not mean you should manipulate or force people to accept your ideas and accomplish your objectives; there are ethical ways for leaders to successfully build influence. Leaders attempting to influence and persuade others are faced with the challenges of navigating through organizational politics. An effective leader recognizes that organizational politics can provide positive ways to influence others in order to accomplish goals. In this course, you will be guided through numerous methods and strategies for effectively influencing a team to accept your ideas. You'll be introduced to the importance of political awareness and the essential skills involved in using positive politics and avoiding negative politics when persuading others. You'll also have an opportunity to practice methods for influencing effectively and ethically. Materials designed to support blended learning activities aligned with this course are available from the Resources Page.

Supervisors, managers, directors, and individuals wanting to develop their leadership skills


Personal and Political Influence

  • recognize and classify examples of techniques for influencing people
  • recognize actions that use politics to influence others in a positive way
  • use influence techniques to persuade others while avoiding the negative use of politics, in a given scenario

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