Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation

Excellence in presentation can be achieved when the standard of your delivery matches the quality of your content. You may have carefully planned and structured what you want to say, but if you deliver your message in a monotone while standing stiffly, you're probably not going to captivate the audience. Having diligently prepared for your presentation, you need to make sure that your delivery is engaging. You need to communicate your enthusiasm to the audience if you want them to be enthusiastic about your ideas. At the same time, you must appear composed and confident. This course describes how to make your delivery successful and memorable. It covers techniques for managing stage fright – the biggest problem most speakers have. It also explains how to set the right environment for your presentation by making the right choices about room layout and by preparing the room, including the equipment, lighting, and temperature. You'll also find out how to use your voice and body language to deliver your message clearly and effectively. Finally, the course outlines guidelines for handling audience questions – an area most speakers are also very concerned about. After all, how credible the audience finds you can be swayed by how effectively you answer the difficult questions that come up.

Individuals who want to improve their presentation skills


Delivering a Presentation

  • select the appropriate room setup for a given presentation
  • recognize how to prepare a room for a presentation
  • describe how to deal with stage fright
  • evaluate the effectiveness of a presenter's delivery in a given scenario
  • determine whether a presenter handles a question-and-answer session appropriately in a given scenario

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