Getting Results without Direct Authority: Building Relationships and Credibility

How can you get results if you don't have authority? Cultivating relationships and establishing credibility are necessary, because they allow you to influence others. If you have effective influencing skills, you'll be able to get what you need or want from others – whether it's your boss, a peer, or someone in a completely different department. Effective influencing, however, requires that you know how to build good relationships, and that you have credibility. You won't be able to ask someone for help if you have antagonized that person, or if you haven't followed through on promises you made. In this course, you'll learn how to develop relationships and build credibility so that you can get the results you need at work. You'll also find out how being able to influence others benefits you.

Anyone who wants to develop or refine their skills for getting results when they don't have direct authority over the people responsible for doing the work


Building Relationships and Credibility

  • identify how being able to influence others can benefit you
  • recognize how to cultivate relationships at work in order to increase your ability to get results when you don't have direct authority
  • recognize how to build credibility at work so that you can get the results you need

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