Working with Difficult People: How to Work with Self-serving People

Have you ever worked with someone who seems to have an ego the size of a car? Do you ever find yourself having to listen to someone else gossip about other office mates? Self-serving people try to make themselves the center of attention at the expense of others and their habits can be quite destructive. If you work with self-serving people, you need to have the skills required to cope successfully with these individuals. This course will describe self-serving individuals and characterize two common types: arrogant people and busybodies. The strategies that you can use in dealing with these self-serving individuals are also covered.

Individuals who want to develop or refresh their communication skills when working with difficult people


How to Work with Self-serving People

  • determine which aspects of handling arrogant behavior were dealt with appropriately in a given scenario
  • recognize examples of arrogant people
  • determine which aspects of handling busybody behavior were dealt with appropriately in a given scenario
  • recognize examples of busybodies
  • apply strategies for dealing with a self-serving person in a workplace scenario

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